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High quality corals - Best prices in Indonesia

We offer a wide variety of rare LPS, SPS, and soft corals, including
WYSIWYG frags, Ultra morphs, and Euphyllia.





Our introduction

Coral reefs are islands of life in the sea, which are home to a tremendous amount of diverse life forms. But these reefs consist of several completely different zones, and only few of the reef inhabitants are at home in all these zones.
Almost everyone has specialized in living in a particular habitat, a specific type of biotope. Lighting, currents and many other things are so different between the individual habitats that a characteristic animal community is formed in each case – from bacteria, sponges, crabs, mussels, snails or echinoderms to Acropora corals, or the shark that circles above the reef. Hardly any of the animal species are interchangeable between the habitats, as the reefs are populated by specialists.

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Products We Offer

Popular Coral Collections:

Marine Fish Collections:

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Products We Offer

Popular Coral Collections:

Marine Fish Collections:

We stand for sustainable reefing.

Coral Propagation

In order to make our passionately practiced hobby sustainable, we mainly offer you corals from vegetative propagation. This has a protective effect on natural resources because less coral bio mass will be taken from the sea.
In addition, we drastically shorten the transport chain: transport from the place of origin, e.g. Australia is no longer necessary. Gasoline or kerosene is saved and thus CO2
emissions are reduced. Furthermore, offspring corals from our propagation
facilities are free of parasites and perfectly accustomed to the aquarium environment. Our corals know the technical environment and maintain their bright colors.


Yes, we know it. We know how difficult it is to find it.
The search for coral that can make our aquarium unique and precious is very
often a real undertaking.
We realized this by looking with you, that coral, in specialized stores. Which are not many and in small towns often do not even exist. We realized this by attending the aquarium forums and all the virtual places where we share, with you and many other people like us, this passion. The same passion that one day pushed us to take one more step and build the solution from us. This is how ReefLab was born, the first Italian online store dedicated to corals.
Even before being a shop, Good is the dream, realized, of a group of real fans. It is a small laboratory powered by our enthusiasm, by the care we take in the treatment of animals and by the availability with which we exchange tips and suggestions with all the other enthusiasts. With the people of the real “sick” of the coral, in short, people a bit ‘fixed, like us. And probably like you are reading.


Some Collections of Coral Reefs and Saltwater
Ornamental Fish in ABM Coral Fish

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    Contact Us

    We breed corals ourselves!

    With one of the largest breeding facilities in Indonesia.
    ABM has been active in farming corals on a professional level since 2001. We are one of the Best coral farms in Indonesia and currently propagate more than 230 coral species on a regular basis.
    About ABM Group
    We offer a wide variety of LPS, SPS and Soft corals matching every aquarium and price level. At our site you will find WYSIWYG corals and frags, most of our frags are grown out here in Europe in our own aquariums. In our WYSIWYG section you will find Ultra morphs as well as rare species like Scolymia australis and Acanthastrea bowerbanki many variations of the Euphyllia family, encrusting corals like Montipora and Chypthastrea also branching corals like Acropora and Stylophora. We do also get in rare color morphs of the species Acantophyllia as bleeding apple and warpaint and Symphyllia in the beautiful rainbow color to the metallic red and toxic green variations.

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